Calculus Christmas Carol (Winter Wonderland)

By Lisa Judkins, class of 2003


Korpi says, “Hey you! Listen!

Or the notes you’ll be missin’,

And you’ll be afraid

Of the test that I’ve made.”

Holy Geez!  I think I’m gonna fail!


Finding limits can be easy,

But the new stuff’s not so breezy.

My mind can’t think straight!

This stress I do hate!

Christmas time is supposed to be fun.


The week before Christmas is so cruddy

Because of all the tests I have to take.

Teachers think that we have time to study.

Sometimes I think this class was a mistake!


When we cram for the final,

You would think we’re suicidal

For taking a class

That’s kicking our . . .butt J

But it really helps with my class rank.


Calculus tests are long and grueling

Since we can’t use our calculator.

Who’s this Korpi guy think he’s fooling?

Don’t want to see these limits anymore!


Later on will be better

‘Till we all get a letter

Receiving our grades.

Our GPA fades.

Wow . . . this song is really getting old.



(Extra to meet the 200 word quota)

Calculus has its ups and downs.

More of the downs than the ups.

Concave down for curves are like frowns.

The curves are up when they look like cups.


I’m so sorry for this song’s length.

Korpi says, “to get an A,

Your carol should

Have two hundred words.”

I think that I’m fin’lly there!



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