We Three Math知aticians  (We Three Kings)

By Clay Janca


We three math知aticians are;

Bearing chalk we traverse afar,

Field and fountain, min. and max知um,

Following yonder star.



Point of inflection,

Point in the sky,

Point that has only one y,

Slope increasing, not decreasing,

Lead us to your value high.


We three math知aticians be;

Searching for concavity,

Rules and theorems, intersections,

Help us find infinity.



Point of inflection,

Point in the sky,

Point that has only one y,

Slope increasing, not decreasing,

Lead us to your value high.


We three math知aticians aim,

T蜘ards the function痴 domain,

Rates and limits, logarithmic,

The rule we use must be the chain.



Point of inflection,

Point in the sky,

Point that has only one y,

Slope increasing, not decreasing,

Lead us to your value high.


We three math知aticians live

To find the derivative,

Means and ranges, continuity,

Will it be positive?



Point of inflection,

Point in the sky,

Point that has only one y,

Slope increasing, not decreasing,

Lead us to your value high.


We three math知aticians beam;

We have found the extreme,

Axes, ranges, and quadratics,

Create unbounded symmetry.



Point of inflection,

Point in the sky,

Point that has only one y,

Slope increasing, not decreasing,

Lead us to your value high.


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