Benjamin Banneker's Riddle
Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) is regarded as the first African-American inventor. He was also a gifted mathematician. Here is a riddle he devised.
Divide 60 into four
such parts that the first being increased by 4, the second decreased by 4, the
third multiplied by 4, the fourth part divided by 4, that the sum, the
difference, the product and the quotient shall be one and the same number.
Rather than try solving this by "guess and check," try to solve it algebraically. Scroll down for the answers and a link to the mathematical solution.
The first number is 5.6 (5.6+4=9.6)
The second number is 13.6 (13.6-4=9.6)
The fourth number is 2.4 (2.4*4=9.6)
The fifth number is 38.4 (38.4/4=9.6)
And 5.6+13.6+2.4+38.4=60
Here's another puzzle he created:
Solution: [As noted by Martha Tyson in an unpublished manuscript entitled "A Memoir," and by W.W. Allen...Benjamin Hallowell of Alexandria, Virginia was reported to have proposed as his solution 24.745 inches and 14.8476 inches for the diameters. Banneker had not provided a solution to the problem.]
If you want more Banneker puzzles, visit here
Presumption should never make us neglect that which appears easy to us, nor despair make us lose courage at the sight of difficulties.