A Guide to Writing in Mathematics Classes |
For most of your life so far, the only kind of writing you've done in math classes has been on homeworks and tests, and for most of your life you've explained your work to people that know more mathematics than you do (that is, to your teachers). But soon, this will change.
Every year, we buy ten cases of paper at $35 each; and every year we sell them for about $1 million each. Writing well is very important to us. |
- Bill Browning, President of Applied Mathematics, Inc. |
Homework Mathematics:
and so either More Formal Mathematics:
When you turn in your writing assignment, you should use a paper clip to attach the checklist to the front. You should feel free to use both the checklist and this booklet as a guide while you write, because you will be graded directly on the criteria outlined on the checklist. What follows here is a more detailed explanation of the criteria I use for grading your papers.
1. Clearly restate the problem to be solved.
Do not assume that the reader knows what you're talking about. (The person you're writing to might be out on vacation, for example, or have a weak memory). You don't have to restate every detail, but you should explain enough so that someone who's never seen the assignment can read your paper and understand what's going on, without any further explanation from you. Outline the problem carefully.
2. State the answer in a complete sentence which stands on
its own.
If you can avoid variables in your answer, do so; otherwise, remind the reader what they stand for. If your answer is at the end of the paper and you've made any significant assumptions, restate them, too. Do not assume that the reader has actually read every word and remembers it all (do you?).
3. Clearly state the assumptions which underlie the
For example, what physical assumptions do you have to make? (No friction, no air resistance? That something is lying on its side, or far away from everything else?) Sometimes things are so straightforward that there are no assumptions, but not often.
4. Provide a paragraph which explains how the problem will
be approached.
It's not polite to plunge into mathematics without first warning your reader. Carefully outline the steps you're going to take, giving some explanation of why you're taking that approach. It's nice to refer back to this paragraph once you're deep in the thick of your calculations.
5. Clearly label diagrams, tables, graphs, or other visual
representations of the math (if these are indeed used).
In math, even more than in literature, a picture is worth a thousand words, especially if it's well labeled.
6. Define all variables used.
(a) Even if you label your diagram (and you should), you should still explain in words what your variables are.
(b) If there's a quantity you use only a few times, see if you can get away with not assigning it a variable. As examples:
Figure 1: Diagram of the triangle |
Elementary physics tells us that the velocity of a falling body is proportional to the amount of time it has already spent falling. Therefore, the longer it falls, the faster it goes. |
Elementary physics tells us that vt
=g (t
-t |
I hope that you'll agree that the first example of each pair is much easier to read.
(c) The more specific you are, the better. State the units of measurement. When you can use words like "of", "from", "above", etc., do so. For example:
We get the equation d =rt, where d is the distance, r is the rate, and t is the time. |
We get the equation d =rt, where d is the distance from Sam's car to her home (in miles), r is the speed at which she's traveling (measured in miles per hour), and t is the number of hours she's been on the road. |
Avoid words like "position" (height above ground? sitting down? political situation?) and "time" (5 o'clock? January? 3 minutes since the experiment started?). Never mind that your instructor uses these words freely; you can too when you get a Ph.D.
(d) Variables in text are italicized to tell them apart from regular letters.
7. Explain how each formula is derived, or where it can be found.
Don't pull formulas out of a hat, and don't use variables which you don't define. Either derive the formula yourself in the paper, or explain exactly where you found it, so other people can find it, too.
The total number of infected cells in a honeycomb with n layers is 1+2+ . . . +n =n (n +1)/2.
Therefore, there are 100(101)/2=5,050 infected cells in a honeycomb with 100 layers. |
The total number of infected cells in a honeycomb with n layers is 1+2+ . . . +n =n (n +1)/2. Therefore, there are 100(101)/2=5,050 infected cells in a honeycomb with 100 layers. |
Sufficiently advanced copies of Microsoft Word have an equation editor: pull down the Insert menu, select Object, and then Equation. If you don't have an equation editor, you may either try formulas with tabs and fancy fooling, you may use Excel for matrices if you know how, or you may wish to write the mathematics in by hand. All of these are fine options.
8. Give acknowledgment where it is due.
(For example, I thank Plagiarism is almost certainly the
greatest sin in academiasome
fiction writers make plagiarism a motive for murder. It's extremely important to
acknowledge where your inspiration, your proofreading, and your support came
from. (For example, I thank Mark Stanton, a high school mathematics teacher in
New York City, for catching a spelling mistake in the previous sentence.) In
particular, you should cite: any book you look at, any compuational or graphical
software which helped you understand or solve the problem, any student you talk
to (whether in this class or not), any professor you talk to (including and
especially me, because I'll catch you if you leave me out). The more specific
you are, the better.
9. In this paper, are the spelling, grammar, and punctuation correct?
(a) It may surprise you that it is on spelling and grammar that people tend to lose most of their points on their mathematics papers. Please spell-check and proofread your work for grammar mistakes. Better yet, ask a friend to read your paper. Mathematicians are generally not petty, but neither are we amused by sloppy or careless writing.
(b) Mathematical formulas are like clauses or sentences: they need proper punctuation, too. Put periods at the end of a computation if the computation ends the sentence; use commas if it doesn't. An example follows.
If Dr. Crannell's caffeine level varies proportionally with time, we see that
where C
In other words, she's mightily buzzed. |
(c) Do not confuse mathematical symbols for English words
(= and # are especially common examples of this). The symbol "=" is
used only in mathematical formulasnot
in sentences:
We let V stand for the volume of a single mug and n represent the number of mugs. Then the formula for the total amount of root beer we can pour, R, is R =nV. |
We let V = volume of a single mug and n = the # of mugs. Then the formula for the total amount of root beer R=nV. |
We let V stand for the volume of the mug and n represent the number of mugs. Then the formula for the total amount of root beer we can pour, R, is R is nV. |
(d) Do, however, use equal signs when you state formulas or equations, because mathematical sentences need subjects and verbs, too.
Then the formula for the total amount of root beer we can pour is R=nV. |
Then the formula for the total amount of root beer we can pour is nV. |
10. In this paper, is the mathematics correct?
This is self-explanatory.
11. In this paper, did the writer solve the question that was originally asked?
So is this.
By the way, these dashes are called "dash" ( -
), "en-dash" (
), and "em-dash" (
), and they go between words (work-sheet), page numbers (pp. 37
and phrases respectively. So now even your history papers will look better.
In key caps, if you look carefully enough, you can play cards (©®ß™), talk about name brands (Kleenex™, Toys R Us®, Discovering Calculus©), and ask questions in Spanish: ¿Qué pasa?
Whether or not you use a computer, please proofread the final draft before you give it to me. Please, please. No, really.
You are always more than welcome to come see me during my office hours, or to make an appointment to see me outside of office hours. In addition, there is a collection of "excellent papers" from previous calculus classes on reserve in the Science Library, so you can see the kinds of papers that I've enjoyed reading.
For more information, see Crannell, Annalisa, "How to Grade 300 Mathematical Essays and Survive to tell the Tale," PRIMUS 4, 3 (1994), 193-201.