Commonly used Math Symbols

                “For every”

                 “there exists”

                 “such that”

                 “is an element of”

               used to denote a set of elements

:                  “such that,” used in sets, ie. 

          “as x goes to a”

            “f of x”

        “f of g of x”

        “f of g of x”

           infinity and negative infinity

               the empty set (no solution)

W               the set of Whole numbers: 1,2,3, . . .

N                the set of Natural numbers: 0,1,2,3, . . .

Z                 the set of Integers: . . .-2,-1,0,1,2, . . .

R                the set of Reals:  includes Z, rationals, and irrationals


               “if and only if,” necessary and sufficient

iff               “if and only if,” necessary and sufficient

               “implies” or “therefore”


                the Union of two sets

                the Intersection of two sets

                “is a proper subset of” ie. W N Z R


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