2013-2014 school year
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
· I had a polynomial once. My doctor removed it.― Michael Grant, Gone
· The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.—Albert Einstein
· The best way to avoid parking tickets is to remove your windshield wipers.
· In order to catch a bus, first one must think like a bus.
· I used to be afraid of the dark. Now I'm terrified of the electricity bill.
· There should be a children's song "If you're happy and you know it, keep it to yourself and let your Dad sleep."
· WOD: Parlance-n- a way or manner of speaking; vernacular; idiom:
· AWOD: Character-n-what you do on the third and fourth tries.—James A. Michener
· LYRIC: "Burn the bridge behind you! Leave no retreat! There's only one way home!"—Manowar: Heart of Steel
· SAY WHAT: WHALE LODGE US DAWN KIT HIT (well I just don’t get it)
“I’m in a big rush” |
An electron is sure hard to please.
When spread out, it sometimes will freeze.
Though agoraphobic,
It's still claustrophobic,
And runs off when put in a squeeze.
Monday, September 9, 2013
· In the new math approach, the important thing is to understand what you’re doing, rather than to get the right answer.—Tom Lehrer
· Failure keeps you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only faith keeps you going.
· I'll complain about the government invading my privacy after I tell you where I am on Facebook and posting what I'm eating on Instagram.
· Girlfriend: Ok you hang up :-) Boyfriend: No You hang up first :-) Girlfriend: no you first Boyfriend: No you first NSA:
both of you hang up
· I finally found a diet plan that works. It's called 'The Cost of Food'.
· This new thesaurus isn't just terrible. It's also terrible.
· WOD: Coruscate-v- to emit vivid flashes of light; sparkle; scintillate; gleam, like a military uniform
· AWOD: Dryer Lint-n-the cremated remains of all the missing socks.
· LYRIC: “And if this isn't making sense, well it doesn't make it lies."—Soundgarden: Superunknown
· SAY WHAT: DEAD DEBT CRAWL SHORE MINE (did it cross your mind)
“on the road to recovery” |
When we physicists talk about quarks,
And "sleptons," "sneutronos," and "squarks,"
We shouldn't be stunned
When the Congress won't fund
Our big projects - they think that we're dorks!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
· Relationships are a lot like algebra... Ever looked at your X and wondered Y?
· Neither in the life of the individual nor in that of mankind is it desirable to know the future.—Jakob Burckhardt
· Business idea: a home surgery kit called Suture Self
· It is truly easier to forgive your enemies than figure out how to limit their access to your Facebook page.
· Every time you reply to a text from your ex, Taylor Swift completes another album. Don't be an enabler. Drop the phone.
· Another World's Oldest Man has died. This is beginning to look suspicious.
· WOD: Dyspeptic-adj- gloomy, pessimistic, and irritable.
· AWOD: Hallucination-n-Vision without execution —Thomas Edison
· LYRIC: “There is a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in.”—Leonard Cohen: Anthem
· SAY WHAT: ANY LACK TRICKED BULL HANK HIT (an electric blanket)
“Dublin, Ireland” |
The limerick is furtive and mean;
You must keep her in close quarantine,
Or she sneaks to the slums,
And promptly becomes,
Disorderly, drunk and obscene
Monday, September 30, 2013
· Mathematics is the door and key to the sciences.—Roger Bacon
· It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.—Henry David Thoreau
· I just wish pictures and mirrors could agree on what I actually look like.
· One day I'll look up from my phone and realize my kids put me in a nursing home.
· I broke up with my gym. We were just not working out.
· Unless you fell off the treadmill and smashed your face, nobody wants to hear about your workout.
· WOD: Endemic-adj-natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous:
· AWOD: Failure-n-the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.—Henry Ford
· LYRIC: "Tears fall but why am I crying? After all, I'm not afraid of dying"—Hallowed be Thy Name, by Iron Maiden
· SAY WHAT: BEYOND NEST WIT CHORES ELF (be honest with yourself)
“she’s ahead of her time” |
He thought that his bike had expired.
When it fell down again he inquired,
"Why won't it stay standing?
Oh why? I'm demanding!"
I answered, "Because it's two-tired."
Friday, October 4, 2013
· One can always reason with reason.—Heri Bergson
· One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat him at politeness.—Josh Billings
· If you worry that you aren't creative enough, buy a gym membership and see how many excuses you find not to use it.
· I wish conversations were like user agreements where I could skip to the end and just agree.
· I wish some of my co-workers weren't allowed in the break room... Because that's who I usually need a break from.
· If a tree falls in the woods it should break into a light jog so it looks like it did it on purpose.
· WOD: Lissome-adj-suppleness and flexibility of of body; agile, nimble, or active.
· AWOD: Psychiatry-n-the art of teaching people how to stand on their own feet while reclining on couches.—Sigmund Freud
· LYRIC: "I've grown tired of chasing convinced I was in need"—As I Lay Dying: I Never Wanted
· SAY WHAT: BIGGER SCANT BEACH HOOSIERS (beggars can’t be choosers)
“baby back ribs” |
Kid’s names are at times quite well suited.
But I do wish that mine had been muted.
All those years in between,
‘Til my age reached thirteen,
I'd thought that my own was, "Hey Stupid".
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
· My special pleasure in mathematics rested particularly on its purely speculative part.—Bernhard Bolzano
· Pride, like humility, is destroyed by one’s insistence that he possesses it.—Kenneth Bancroft Clark
· 911 what's your emergency? -People are pronouncing it EX-presso.
· It isn't a successful BBQ until some idiot walks face first into a closed sliding glass door. I'm fine, by the way.
· Instagram down?! What am I supposed to do with my cat? Pet it?
· Hey, geese crossing the road!! YOU CAN FLY!
· WOD: Obverse-n-the front or principal surface of anything.
· AWOD: Cats-n-fuzzy plants that hate you.
· LYRIC: "So If you wanna love me then darling don’t refrain or I’ll just end up walking in the cold November rain"—Guns N Roses: November Rain
· SAY WHAT: ASH HOLD HURT HOOK RYE YAWN (a shoulder to cry on)
“100 meter back stroke” |
A noted tree surgeon named Fogg,
Developed a tree that could jog.
But the tree, fully grown,
Had a mind of its own,
So it ran out and peed on a dog.