HELLO, students and parents.
This is the 35th week of
school and the 9th week of the 4th,
and LAST, 9-weeks grading period (which is 10 weeks
Quote of the Week
“There are no excuses. I will
finish the year strong!”
Bart Simpson |

Caring Achievers Reach Excellence

SENIORS: If you did not get a chance to watch the Senior
Awards Ceremony live, here is the link to share with
your parents, grandparents, friends, friends of friends,
beloved pets, and even strangers on the street!
Attention Juniors and Seniors: Night Under the Stars
(05/01/2021) To reserve a ticket for Night Under the
Stars on May 22, please complete the Google Form HERE:
Tickets will be on sale beginning Monday, May 3 during
all lunches. Tickets are $20 per person, cash or check only.
Checks are payable to NBHS. Guest forms will be
available in the main office.
For more information, see this flyer:
Listen to Mrs. Spencer’s exciting daily announcement to
hear what delicious food item will be featured in the
HOME ZONE that day! Will it be BEEF NACHOS? Will it be
Seniors: As you begin making final plans for your
future, please stop by the College and Career Center and
sign the Class of ‘21 banner, letting all your
classmates know!! College/university, vocational school,
military or workforce….everyone has his/her own plan!! The banner and
markers on the table.
Project Graduation celebration is being held at Shady
Oaks in Schertz! We need some parent volunteers for that
night, for security! This is ideal for Junior parents or
parents of underclassmen to begin racking up those PG
points. Sign up here https://m.signupgenius.com/... For
all seniors who signed up for project graduation-There
is a $10 deposit due by May 13. Seniors will have 4
opportunities to pay the deposit, May 10, May 11, May 12
or May 13 from 11:30-2:00 at the Project Graduation
Table in front of the Career Center. This is a free
event; you will get your deposit back the night of
Project Graduation. You pay the deposit to hold your
Summer School Information Summer School registration
information is now available on the NBHS Webpage. You
can use the following link if your son/daughter are in
need of Summer School.
Senior Walks at Elementary Schools On May 27th, Seniors
are invited to pick an elementary school to visit before
coming to graduation practice. Seniors will wear your
cap and gown and the principal at that campus will
provide instructions for the walk. This is a great time
for Seniors to visit some favorite teachers and show off
their graduation accomplishments to those who helped
them on their educational journey. Seniors must be able
to provide their own transportation to and from the
school they choose. Seniors will need to be back at NBHS
by 9:30 for graduation practice. You must sign up by
Friday, May 21st!!! See Mr. Smith if you have questions.

Oorah! First
Sergeant Felix "1000 Miles" Acosta was escorted by the
JROTC cadets of Alpha Company on his one thousandth mile
lap Monday, May 3rd around the NBHS campus. The Running
Club (Now the Kintetic Unicorn Club) was started in 2014
to inspire students to exercise.

New Braunfels High School announced the top 10 graduates
for the class of 2021. Valedictorian is Caroline Meehan
and Salutatorian is Matthew Alkire. The rest of the Top
10, in order, are Jack Meehan, Maxwell Remo, Celine
Erkan, Colin Davidson, Katherine Brown, Gavin Nowacki,
Grant Jacobs and Mar Levett. Graduation will be held at
8 p.m. on Thursday, May 27, at Unicorn Stadium. The
event is a closed event and will require a ticket for
entry. For more details regarding the 2021 Commencement
Ceremony, CLICK
Prom Substitute
“A Night Under the Stars”.
It will be hosted at Unicorn Stadium on Saturday, May
22, from 8:00-10:30. Admission will be $20.00 per student to help cover the cost
of the event.
There will be a DJ to provide music, karaoke and we will
also be projecting “Just Dance” on the Jumbo Tron (for
those of you who are unfamiliar, this is a dancing video
game that our students enjoy).
We are making arrangements for complimentary dessert
trucks, the NBPD will have the Impaired Driver Simulator
to inform students of the dangers of drinking and
driving. Students will also have the opportunity to add to a time
capsule to be opened in the year 2071.
A professional photographer will be available for couple and group photos, as well as selfie stations. The Student Advisory will be meeting a few more times to
finalize the plans.
Formal attire is welcomed, but not required.
Important Dates for the Remainder of the Academic Year
April 27 SAT School Day testing for Selected Seniors.
April 28 Rotary Luncheon
May 3 Heroes Dessert
May 3-17 Advanced Placement Exams
May 4-7 End Of Course Exam Alg. I, Biology and US
May 6 Senior Awards (Virtual): Due to continued COVID
concerns, the Seniors Awards Presentation will be
virtual. The presentation will be made available on the
evening of May 6.
May 22 Night Under the Stars (Prom Alternative): The
Night Under the Stars will take place at Unicorn Stadium
on Saturday, May 22. Formal attire is allowable.
Graduation (Thursday, May 27 at 8:00 pm: We will honor
the class of 2021 during our graduation ceremony on
Thursday, May 27 at 8:00 pm at Unicorn Stadium.
June 14-July 1 Summer School
June 7-June 21 EOC Academy
Final Exam Dates

This Week in the Classroom
PreAP Precal
MAY 17, 2021
We will:
Work on the review for the 3rd
test and final exam
I will:
Complete the practice test and check
my answers
Check for Understanding
Semester review
MAY 18, 2021
We will:
Work on the review for the 3rd
test and final exam
I will:
Complete the practice test and check
my answers
Check for Understanding
Semester review
MAY 19, 2021
We will:
Work on the review for the 3rd
test and final exam
I will:
Complete the practice test and check
my answers
Check for Understanding
TEST #3 last 9 weeks
MAY 20, 2021
We will:
Work on the review for the 3rd
test and final exam
I will:
Complete the practice test and check
my answers
Check for Understanding
TEST #3 last 9 weeks
MAY 21, 2021
We will:
Work on the review for the 3rd
test and final exam
I will:
Complete the practice test and check
my answers
Check for Understanding
Seniors Finals 2 & 3
AP Calculus AB
MAY 17, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
MAY 18, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
MAY 19, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
MAY 20, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
MAY 21, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Seniors Finals 2 & 3
AP Calculus BC
MAY 17, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
MAY 18, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
MAY 19, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
MAY 20, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
MAY 21, 2021
We will:
Write a children’s calculus book in
spirit of the cold yam
I will:
Create a novel short short story
with derivs and integrals
Check for Understanding
Children’s book (TEST
This Week on Campus

Monday, May 17, 2021—A
Happy National Cherry Cobbler
Tuesday, May 18, 2021—B
Happy National Cheese Soufflé
Special Olympics, Unicorn Stadium
Choir Banquet, Auditorium,
Wednesday, May 19, 2021—A
Happy National Devil’s Food Cake
Thursday, May 20, 2021—B
Happy National Rescue Dog Day!
Friday, May 21, 2021—A
Happy National Waiter/Waitress
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Happy National Maritime Day!
Night Under the Stars, Stadium,
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Happy National Taffy Day!
NBHS Athletics Calendar |
This Week on the Math Playground

Jaime Escalante (December 31, 1930
– March 20, 2010). Born in La Paz, Bolivia, the child of two
teachers, Escalante became one of the most famous
educators in America during the 1980s and 1990s. He left
Bolivia in 1960s to seek a better life in the United
States. An educator back at home, he had to work many
odd jobs, teach himself English, and earn another
college degree before he could return to the classroom.
His esteemed story stems from his time at Garfield High School in
East Los Angeles, where he consistently invigorated
students with a passion for learning in his AP Calculus
classes. Taking the job in 1974, he found himself in a challenging
situation: teaching math to troubled students in a
rundown school known for violence and drugs. While some
had dismissed the students as "unteachable," Escalante
strove to reach his students and to get them to live up
to their potential. In 1979, Escalante started an AP
program at Garfield high and taught his first calculus
class to five students; two passed the AP calculus test. By 1981 the class had increased to 15
students, 14
passed the AP exam.
In 1982, the Educational Testing Service called into
question the scores of the 14 students, who passed the
exam, who were believed to have cheated. Escalante
protested, saying that the students had been
disqualified because they were Hispanic and from a poor
school. Twelve of the 14 students agreed to retake the
test and passed . . . again.
In 1983, 33 students took the exam and 30 passed. In 1987 the program had escalated to its peak; 73 students passed
the AB exam version and another 12 students passed the
BC version of the AP Calculus Exam.
Escalante's classroom challenges and successes were the topic of
much public discussion in 1988. That year his story was
the subject of a book entitled
Escalante: The Best Teacher in America and a
film called
Stand and
Deliver starring James Edward Olmos. Both
educators and students have found Escalante's work at
Garfield inspiring.
After Garfield, Escalante taught at another high school in
Sacramento. He did not seem to find the same level of
success he had at his previous post. Escalante also
received some criticism for lobbying against bilingual
education in California schools. He retired from
teaching in 1998.
Escalante has received many awards for his contributions to the
field of education, including the Presidential Medal for
Excellence and was inducted into the National Teachers
Hall of Fame in 1999.
In 1988 the movie
Stand and Deliver was released and made
Mr. Escalante a beloved icon in American education. In
his own words, he is a "math teacher." But for many in the Hispanic
community, he continues to enlighten and bring a sense
of hope - with
anything is possible.
After 35 years of teaching, Mr. Escalante retired in 1998. Shortly thereafter, in June 1999, he
was inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame. In
1988 he was presented with the Presidential Medal for
Excellence in Education by President Ronald Reagan.
"Determination + Discipline + Hard Work = Way to
Escalante died March, 20 2010 after a long struggle with cancer. He
was 79 and is survived by his wife Fabiola, and their
two sons.
"We are all concerned about the future of American
education. But as I tell my students, you do not enter
the future -- you create the future. The future is
created through hard work."— Jaime Escalante
“If you don't have the ganas, I will give it to
you because I'm an expert. . . . We’re going to need a
lot of Kleenexes.”—Stand and Deliver

As again Graduation draws nigh,
We prepare to tell seniors, “Goodbye.”
Though it seems like the end,
As away we them send,
To their futures, it’s actually, “Hi!”
Peace, Math, the Oxford Comma, & SISU,
Kevin W. Korpi
New Braunfels High School
2005 NB District Teacher of the Year
2015 Region 13 Teacher of the Year
